Leveraging data to compare biologic therapy for severe asthma
Location: Baltimore MD

Mandeep Jassal
Johns Hopkins Hospital

It is unknown which asthma biologic is the best fit for severe asthmatics. The study goal is to empower patients & provider decision-making using a real-world comparison among available biologics.

Study Description:

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting close to 8% of children and adults in the United States. Anywhere between 5 and 10% are considered to have severe asthma. Currently, patients with severe asthma that is not controlled are prescribed standard inhaled or oral therapies. The question faced is there a disparity between usage of current therapies and what are underlying factors of the patients being prescribed the standard therapies? Currently, there is a lack of comparison studies among the standard biological treatments as well as understanding patient characteristics (clinical, sociodemographic, biomarkers) being used as criteria for biologic initiation and response. The Leveraging Data to Compare Biologic Therapy for Severe Asthma study researchers want to examine the effectiveness of 5 FDA-approved asthma biologics (medications) in real-world environment among patients. If successful, the results of the study can empower patients to make more informed treatment decisions based on comprehensive patient-centered content.

What's involved?

Provide input through phone/video interviews into study objectives at least one-time prior to the full submission of the PCORI grant. Quarterly discussions with the study team to ensure the patient-centric goals are being met. A commitment to ensure that our research is useful, transparent, and will maximize uptake of study results. Partners can expect compensation for their time which includes an equal honorarium for your input during each interview/group meeting. A childcare stipend will be provided as well.

Is this study a good fit for you?

The study is seeking a patient partner (18+) who does/has been prescribed asthma biologics OR has been diagnosed with severe asthma with no history of asthma biologics. Caregivers of patient who meet the above criteria are welcome to apply also. We are excited to let you know about this opportunity and would be glad to talk with you if this sounds interesting. Please contact Dr. Jassal at Mjassal1@jhmi.edu or (410) 955-2035 for more information.

Funding Status

Proposal in development

Lungs and Breathing


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Meet the Researcher
Mandeep Jassal

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