What is the best way to first contact hospitalized patients about research?
Location: Pittsburgh PA

David Huang
University of Pittsburgh

How to best offer research to hospitalized patients is unknown. Our goal is to design and test new ways to offer research, and we seek patient representative feedback on our plan.

Study Description:

When people are in the hospital, it's a tough and stressful time for them and their families. Keeping patients' privacy is super important, and the doctors and nurses are usually very busy taking care of them. So, figuring out the best way to talk to patients about research is not easy. We're trying to find better ways to do it, and we'd like to hear what people who represent patients think! We want to make sure that whatever we come up with is respectful and helpful for patients.

What's involved?

A one-hour video call (e.g., Zoom) and brief follow-up email.

Is this study a good fit for you?

Hospitalized in the past 5 years or was the advocate for a hospitalized loved one (child or adult) in the past 5 years (e.g., your child or spouse was too sick to talk, so you spoke for them)

Funding Status

Proposal in development

Hospitalized patients, for any illness or injury


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Wondering what it's like to be a patient partner in a clinical study? Here are some links to resources.

Meet the Researcher
David Huang

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